C.T. Thomas @ GurgleSlurp.com


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Piercing thoughts
January 2, 2013

I’ve been wanting to get my ears pierced again for a long while now, though I’ve just never really bothered to do it. I would either be somewhere near a piercing place and just hadn’t remembered that I wanted to do it. Or I would be really wanting to do it and not near anywhere that did piercing that didn’t seem riddled with disease. Or I would totally forget about it for a while and not do anything.

I’ve been thinking about it again though I’m not sure where exactly I want the second set of earrings.

Current piercing, upper forward and current, upper back and current, both forward and back plus current.

(Clockwise from top left) My current earring location, forward and up, back and slightly up, or both.

And then do I do the same thing for both ears? Questions questions! Also, how much is this going to hurt?

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